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Attendance is extremely important to a successful school experience for your child. In the event of excessive absence or tardiness, the classroom teacher will send a note to the parents. The social worker may contact parents if such problems continue. Parents are required to send a note explaining the reason for your child's absence from school. The following reasons for absences are valid:

  • For personal illness
  • For a death or serious illness in the immediate family
  • For recognized religious holidays observed by your faith
  • For absences mandated by order of governmental agencies
  • For conditions which render school attendance impossible or hazardous to health and safety.
  • For each absence, a note explaining the absence must be brought to school on the following day.
  • Students who are away from school for 10 consecutive days (unexcused absences) will be withdrawn from school. Upon return, parents can re-enroll students, but placement in previous classroom cannot be guaranteed.